Monday, August 15, 2011

Hunting in the wrong direction.

I was thinking about the many people who wonder about the life after death. I'm guessing we all do at some point. So many books are written and people have eye witness accounts of coming back from death. First I ask myself the question were they really dead or just the reached the critia of dead. To my knowledge (quite limited) we only have 3 critia for death: respiration, circulation (Heart beating), brain activity. That's science. I think there is another: when the soul leaves the body. Well we can't touch or measure the soul so that's probably not going to be a critia any time soon. At any rate it's interesting how many christians seek this knowedge from other experiences rather than going to scripture and scripture alone. I know some of these experiences have involved non believers and they somehow are in the light. I wonder who is giving that light and for goodness sake why are the christians listening. We need to keep our eyes on the light of Jesus Christ and trust Him that if we knew it ALL we would take our eye off Jesus.  1 Peter 1:19  "pay attention to it(the word) as to the light shining in a dark place".  Keep your eyes on the light (Jesus the author and finisher of our faith).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Squirrel-the way my mind works

Blogging is like journaling only the current way -save a tree. I'm thinking I might do better blogging than journalin because I can type faster than I write.  The other fact is there is a real debate as to whether the next generation will even be taught to use cursive.  Cursive is all I know, even my printing has occasional cursive thrown in. I want my grand kids to read my heart, printed in the words which will unfold in the events that unfold in the pages to come.

Ps. 145:6 I will tell of your great deeds.
Col. 4:4 Pray that I may tell it clearly, as I should.

Those are my desires. I well expect that sometimes it will be very clear and other times it may take some reading between the lines.

I have a heavy heart today....Isaac is even now flying to the Stennis, the ship he will be on for 8 months. My heart aches for the K.(That's  his beautiful wife Katrina. She became the K because it was easier to text for those of us texting challenged. )

My friend is loosing her mother to cancer. Her mother may this very moment be taking her last breath. My friend has been hospicing her mother for 3 months. She has felt she was going to have a break-down several times. She stands in awe even now seeing how God has sustained her even when she was pushed farther than she thought was humanly possible. God gave her more than she thought she could handle and certainly more than she wanted but he sustained her to the end. She wouldn't want to do it again but she's so glad she put her trust in the one we can always trust. God always has a better plan.

On that note....the family was praying for "Mercy" for their mother. They meant that the Lord would just take her. I sat in the corner watching "Mercy" unfolding. The family will not even know that God was Showing Mercy at that very minute . They were looking in one direction and God was working in another.  He was allowing the entire family to arrive and love, kiss, cry, and touch their mother, sister, wife etc. The family was holding each other up and bonding and binding their love. They each held each other as they cried.  This was a family that actually had some issues between each other yet Mercy was happening. It was happening in front of their own eyes but they didn't see it because they thought they knew what Mercy looked like and they missed it. Healing was beginning among the family before she even left. Mercy. Where would that family be without that time (Mercy).  I was sooooo blessed to be able to watch Mercy.
I cried because this was the picture of what I've asked God to let my dyeing be like. The husband (80+) crawled into the bed with his wife and held her and stroked her hair and cried and cried.
The children were all there and held each other. What a send off. Mercy....  I ached because this also reminded me of Luke's death.  All death will pain me the same way.  I also grieved because someday I will lose my mother like my friend was losing her mother. They are very close as my mother and I are close. I want to care for my mom and tell her all the love from my heart as she leaves this veil of tears. I cry thinking about not  being able to go to the phone and call her even though I know what advice she will give. I need her to complete my life. Soon she will depart and I will be alone in a way I have never been in my entire life. A part of me will be gone. A very significant part. 
Mercy was a part of my visit and I  was so blessed.

I had Susan Mehl (Katrina's mom) over for breakfast this morning. Prov. 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." I love being in her company.  She is so rich in soul and wisdom. I was blessed.