Sunday, August 8, 2010

My first Blog (That sounds like a dance:))

Can't believe I'm a blogger.......I don't know what direction this will take....I.m guessing it will go like my life. I'll ramble and eventually figure it out. Actually I want to begin with a prayer because that's the best way to begin anything. "Dear Lord I ask that you would guide my thoughts and words to give you glory and you alone. Help me to share my life that you have so graciously gifted me. Let all see the real me and love me anyway. Be with my readers so they see you in my life. Help my words offer comfort and encouragement to all who read them. To you alone be the glory. Amen"
This is My Hero and his "first lady"

This is the the lady who rocks my boat. My Mom 86 yrs. old
I want to start with photos of the heros in my life. They are the bricks of my life. God is the cement. I want to tell about my bricks and what they mean to me. I'll want to tell you all about my life from childhood also. I want to tell about who I was at the different times of my life. I wasn't the same mother with the first as with the tenth. God has walked beside me all the way and molded me by opening my eyes to different things along the way. My life is rich and full of treasures to share with all.
This is the #1 child Ang and her years of work in cross-stitch AWESOME.